The Medicare Annual Election Period is almost here

Its that time of year again, the Medicare Annual Election Period, when Medicare beneficiaries will be able to change their Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage, and Medicare Prescription Drug plans. This time of year can be very confusing for seniors. Here are some of the changes that are available.

  • Change from a Medicare Advantage plan (HMO, PPO, PFFS, MSA) back to original Medicare and purchase Medicare Supplement plan and stand alone prescription drug plan. This is assuming that you can qualify for a Medicare Supplement, most do.

  • Change from a Medicare Advantage plan to a different Medicare Advantage plan.

  • Change your stand alone Medicare Prescription Drug plan to a different stand alone Medicare Prescription Drug Plan

Many people believe that they “have to do something” this time of year. The truth is that most people will really not have to do anything if they are satisfied with their existing plan. Unless a company has a very large rate increase or maybe your prescription drug plan no longer covers a specific medication, the you really don’t have to do anything.

By Joe DeAngelis

Medicare Supplement Insurance Specialist


For more information on Medicare election periods click the links below:

Medicare Election Periods

When can I join a health or drug plan?